Pairings - Round 1

Tournament: [Pokemon SWSH Online Aque Cup 3]

Master Division

Table Name Opponent
2 Patrick Patricia (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   金魚草 雪 (0/0/0 (0))     
3 Percy Percy (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   台服上單第一肥鼠 然勒唷 (0/0/0 (0))     
Bye 公主佩可 ToooTz (1/0/0 (3))     
1 北方孤狼 羽音 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   小受 西原寺世界 (0/0/0 (0))     
3 台服上單第一肥鼠 然勒唷 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   Percy Percy (0/0/0 (0))     
5 哭啊(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) YaYeee (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   洗面乳 凱倫 (0/0/0 (0))     
1 小受 西原寺世界 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   北方孤狼 羽音 (0/0/0 (0))     
5 洗面乳 凱倫 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   哭啊(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) YaYeee (0/0/0 (0))     
4 狗哥 女票芻隹女支 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   風吹 風吹 (0/0/0 (0))     
2 金魚草 雪 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   Patrick Patricia (0/0/0 (0))     
4 風吹 風吹 (0/0/0 (0))      vs.   狗哥 女票芻隹女支 (0/0/0 (0))     


* This player has received one or more losses for tardiness and will always be ordered, in Swiss rounds, after players with the same match record who were on time.